What do I need to bring to my appointment?

All you need to bring is your photo ID or Social Security Card.

Can I bring someone with me?

Yes! We know you are facing a huge decision, and it’s one you don’t want to make on your own. We can talk to your partner, family member, or friend too.

Will I need to provide proof of insurance?

All our services are offered at no cost, so you will not need to present proof of insurance.

When should I take a pregnancy test?

Our pregnancy tests are laboratory quality, but we still recommend waiting until after your period should have started. The longer you wait, the more accurate your results will be.

Why do I need an ultrasound?

An ultrasound answers three very important questions.

  • How far along are you in your pregnancy?
  • Is your pregnancy viable (growing with a detectable heartbeat)?
  • Is your pregnancy located in the correct area?

I’m being pressured to have an abortion. What should I do?

You are the only one who can decide about your pregnancy, even if you are a minor. No one can legally force you to do something you do not want to do.

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