Pregnancy Services
We provide free and confidential pregnancy services for women in the Alabama region. A better future comes from better health.
Ultrasound is the key to determining if your pregnancy is viable (growing with a detectable heartbeat). We offer no-cost limited ultrasounds to give you answers.
Do you wonder if you’re pregnant? Even if you’ve taken a home pregnancy test, getting a second opinion is essential. Start with one of our no-cost pregnancy tests.
There are three options for an unplanned pregnancy. It’s essential to learn the pros and cons of each one to make an empowered and educated choice for your future.
If you’re sexually active, you could have a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Many don’t have symptoms, so regular testing is critical for better sexual health.
Learning is a life-long activity, especially when you become a parent. We’ve designed our classes to give you the necessary information and resources to succeed.
You may be surprised to learn about the many resources available to help you. We can provide community referrals as well as provide material assistance. Find out what is available to you.