The Risk Of An STI or STD Is Real

Whether you have oral, anal, or vaginal intercourse or genital touching, it is possible to contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI). The Center For Disease Control (CDC) recommends that any person who is sexually active get tested every six months to a year, OR, before every new partner.

You should also get tested if you are experiencing any urinary or reproductive symptoms or are concerned about exposure to an STI/STD. Schedule your appointment today.

Alabama Has A High Rate Of STDs

Due to the pandemic, the CDC believes the overall STD and STI reporting rates are low because labs were busy testing for COVID-19 cases. However, the CDC  released 2020 rankings for certain STDs by each state’s total population and the number of reported cases. Alabama ranks #9 in the United States for reported cases of chlamydia and #4 for gonorrhea.

Sadly, Black Health Matters reports, “STD rates are five to eight times higher for Black people than non-Hispanic white people.” They list Montgomery, AL, as #8 among the top cities with high STD rates nationwide, just behind New York, NY.

If Left Untreated

Many STIs/STDs have little to no symptoms at first. But if an STI or STD is allowed to continue without treatment, more severe complications can result. They can cause irreversible damage to your reproductive system.

Untreated STDs/STIs could cause:

  • Pain during intercourse
  • Pelvic pain
  • Arthritis
  • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
  • Infertility
  • Cervical Cancer

No-Cost STD Testing And Treatment

Alpha Women’s Resource Center provides women with no-cost and confidential testing and treatment for chlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis. The screening for these three STDs requires a simple urine test.

At this time, we are only testing women who are clients of Alpha Women’s Resource Center. Please make an appointment, as no walk-ins are allowed for STD screenings.



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